Southern Co-operative Announces LED Project For All Stores
The Southern Co-operative has announced it has invested in its stores by fitting LED lighting panels across its estate.
The retail giant launched the energy-saving project to cut down on the amount of electricity used by all its shops. It anticipated the move will save 1,812 kg of carbon every year, which adds up to 164 around-the-world flights.
Director of sustainability and communications at the Southern Co-operative Gemma Lacey noted a 38 per cent improvement in energy efficiency for the firm since 2010.
“The LED lighting roll out helps us deliver further energy and carbon savings and forms part of our long-term commitment to being a responsible and sustainable business,” she went on to say.
As part of the project, every Southern Co-operative store’s main lighting was upgraded, while sales areas, fridge cabinets and signage all had LED lights fitted as well.
Head of trading formats and project sponsor at retailer Steve Tremlett said they have used LED lighting for several years now, but with technology improvements it was now the right time to roll out standard use of these energy-saving lights across all stores.
While the task cost £2 million to complete, it is anticipated savings of more than £375,300 will be made every year as a result of using less energy.
The Southern Co-operative has been improving its sustainability efforts over the last few years, and in 2013 it reduced its carbon dioxide usage by 69 tonnes partly by installing new fridges at its store in Chobham, Surrey.
With the help of DCI Refrigeration & Electrical, new climate control fridges with glass doors were fitted, helping to provide energy savings of more than 30 per cent.
Publushed at: 22-04-2016